Summer Camp

June – july

centro estivo per bambini

From mid June the school offers itʼs service for children who donʼt take part of the school and it turns into a fun summer camp.

The children will be divided by their age and competences in order to enjoy all our services.

Followed by qualified and specialised staff.

Accomodating in a lovely environment.

Doing a series of daily  playful and creative activities suitable for them.

Everyday there is a different themed activity offered in italian and English.

  • Mondays:Itʼs all about sport!!!
  • Tuedays: aspiring chef!
  • Wednesdays: funny day.
  • Thursdays: swimming pool
  • Fridays: surprise box.

The summer camp collaborates with the private pool called”isola verde” in casal palocco where the children can get refreshed and have fun in the pool.

Our 1600 mq garden is available and everyday there are activities such as group games, races, mini tournments, music,water games and outdoor snack organized.

The meals are prepared by our chef in the school which are based on the summer menu written by our nutritionist.

It would be possible for children to take a nap during the hottest hours of the day!

gatto sole

The little people school offers everything listed in order to create fun and lovely days of summer.

The summer camp will be running everyday from monday to friday from 7R30 to 19R00 and starts itʼs service from mid June.

Info and details about the costs could be asked eveyday from monday to friday at the school.


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