Cookies and website notice


Click here to access the cookie policy directly

This notice is customized for the webiste

Specific and synthetical notices are referred to and shown in all those pages presenting on-demand services requiring the use of forms for data collection purposes.

Please be advised that, in order to provide a comprehensive service, our website can contain links to other websites not managed by Littlepeopleschool

Littlepeopleschool cannot be held responsible for any mistakes, cookies, questionable contents, advertising, banners or files not complying with privacy laws and regulations if present on external sites not managed by the Owner.

Addressed to: users of

Littlepeopleschool, as the owner of your personal data according to the italian law D.Lgs 30 June 2003, n. 196 (Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”), herehence “Privacy Code”, communicates that the aforementioned law covers the protection of people and other subjects about the management of personal data and that such management is carried on according to principles of correctness and transparency and with the aim to preserve your rights. Information and personal data provided by you or acquired during the use of the website will be managed according to current laws and regulations.

Type of data collected

Browsing data

·         IP addresses or names of computer and other devices used by the users connected to the site

·         URI addresses of the resources and their time indications

·         OS and other parameters of the users

·         Landing and exit pages

·         Browsing index and behaviours

Personal data provided by the users voluntarly: the explicit and voluntary sending of emails to the addresses provided on this site and of all the forms provided generates the acquisition of personal data of the sender (i.e.: name, surname, email address). Specific synthic notices can be found in the pages where the forms are published

The use of collected data

All gathered data will be used for the following purposes:

1.       Operations functional to the use of the website

2.       Collection, storage and computation of your data in order to perform statistical analysis, also in anonymous form and statistical analysis aimed to quality-control purposes.

The handling of users’ data for all purposes listed in point 1 is mandatory and the absence of communication, as well as the incorrectness of the data provided can limit or prevent the use of the services provided by the website.

The provision of data listed in point 2 is non-mandatory. Failure in providing these data does not limit services and functionalities of the website. The Cookie Policy file provides further information about data listed in point 2.

How data are handled

All the personal data are handled with electronic and manual instruments by means of authomatised systems as defined by Art. 130 of the Code and by means of cookies for the time strictly necessary to perform the operations. All data are used according to D.Lgs 196/2003 and following all minimum safety measures. Aruba is the provider by means of which all data are handled.

Communication: your data are handled within the company by subjects authorised and named by the owner.

Your data can be communicated to third parties such as:

·         External providers

·         Companies in charge of the website maintainance

Diffusion: your data will not be diffused

Third parties: your data are gathered also by means of tools and instruments provided and stored by third parties. Further information can be found in the cookie policy and herehence:

Google Analytics:      –
Google maps:
Social: see detail in the cookie policy
Flash cookie: see detail in the cookie policy

Owner: the owner of the procedure according to the law is the Company ( in the person of its legal representative

You have the right to obtain the cancelation, communication, updating and editing of all your personal data and you are granted all the rights listed in art. 7 of the Privacy code

Enforcing of the informative note

For any doubts about this informative note please contact Business job by sending an email to

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